Attribute-wise Learning for Scoring Outliers.

also(data, scale_numerics = TRUE, method, cross_validate = TRUE,
  n_folds = 5, scores_only = TRUE, ...)



a matrix or data.frame.


logical, if TRUE then center and scale numeric variables. If FALSE then ignore scaling


a function name in the form of a character string which is passed to formula (e.g. 'lm')


logical indicating the use of cross validation for scoring


an integer specifying the number of folds if cross validating. Defaults to 5


logical, if TRUE return outlier scores only. If FALSE return a list with outlier scores and the error matrix


additional arguments passed to method


If scores_only = TRUE, only outlier scores are returned. If FALSE, the function returns a list containing outlier scores, feature RMSE, feature weights, raw prediction error matrix, squared prediction error matrix, and feature weighted squared prediction error matrix


see "Outlier Analysis" (C.C Aggarwal. Springer, 2017) section 7.7


# OLS with cross validation for out of sample scoring also(data = state.x77, scale_numerics = TRUE, method = 'lm', cross_validate = TRUE, n_folds = 10, scores_only = TRUE)
#> Error in make_tibble(data) %>% char_to_factor() %>% clear_colname_spaces() %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(scale(., center = scale_numerics, scale = scale_numerics))): could not find function "%>%"
# random forest without cross validation#' rf_also <- also(data = scale(state.x77), scale_numerics = FALSE, method = 'randomForest', cross_validate = FALSE, scores_only = FALSE)
#> Error in make_tibble(data) %>% char_to_factor() %>% clear_colname_spaces() %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(scale(., center = scale_numerics, scale = scale_numerics))): could not find function "%>%"
rf_also$scores; rf_also$feature_weights; rf_also$raw_error_matrix
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'rf_also' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'rf_also' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'rf_also' not found